The Precursor Project

The Precursor Project (TPP) is an ongoing photographic archive project where we investigate the precursor moments leading up to (but not of) terrorist attacks using different photographic processes.

Founded by photographers Kate O’Neill and Nick Isden, the archive aims to educate us on the global community and improve our social conscience. By using existing images from contributing photographers, we will hopefully showcase when the unremarkable becomes the remarkable and how -in todays society- we document the world around us.

We will develop this project in chapters, using and identifying different photographic moments that document the precursor stages leading to these historic and detrimental events. Over the coming years we will collect images from pro and amateur photographers of the hours and days preluding a specific incident.

This is my contribution to the online part of the project:

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Paris streets Thursday 12th

A morning walk from Gare du Nord towards Place de la Rebublique, just taking pictures of whatever caught my eye along the way. I have been researching the history of the flaneur and psychogeography, both of which have their origins in Paris and this is a selection of pictures from my wanderings.

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